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"Who's got it better than us? Nobody!"

Buff Nation –

With over two billion copies sold, no author has sold more books than Agatha Christie. In my favorite novel of hers, And Then There Were None, the seemingly impossible happens when ten dinner guests methodically die one by one, yet there does not seem to be any clues or motive. As the body count climbs, the remaining guests are left to struggle to find answers.

This CU Buff season seems to be like an Agatha Christie novel. While the losses continue to pile up, Buff Nation is left to seek answers, and no one has a clue how to stop the body count. Like Lt. Daniel Kaffee cross-examining Col. Jessup demanding answers, Buff Nation is in pursuit of the truth (even if we can’t handle it). 

Coming on the heels of an embarrassing loss on the road against a terrible Cal Berkeley team last week, CU now goes on the road against an excellent #7 Oregon squad. No one believes CU will win this game, and everyone is right. The chasm between how these two programs operate and how they view themselves is too great to pull off an upset.

One of the reasons Agatha Christie novels are so good is because no matter the level of complexity, the reader knows that the author will reveal the truth before the novel concludes, and justice will be served. So, here is to CU solving this mystery before the season is over and enabling Buff Nation to turn toward next season (too soon?) with excitement and confidence.

Go Buffs!


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