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"Who's got it better than us? Nobody!"

Buff Nation –

Week One Preview

Are you ready for some football?  Despite it all (cool coach, no coach, new coach, football, no football, ok, yes football), it is happening.  In a few hours, our Colorado Buffaloes kickoff their 130th football season tonight at 5pm @ Folsom Field (no fans, no tailgating (what?)). 

Getting mentally prepared for this season feels a little bit like Alice stepping through the looking glass chasing a white rabbit.  What is real today is gone tomorrow.  What was unthinkable yesterday, is SOP today.  Nothing can be taken for granted this season (including the season).  Welcome to Covid-19 Football.  Game on, unless it’s not. 

Assuming nothing happens over the next three hours to cancel the game, in order for CU to beat UCLA, the Buff’s newly named QB1 Sam Noyer needs to prove his (relatively) newly named coach Karl Dorrell (KD) correct, and his former coach Midnight Mel (grrr) wrong.  KD chose the Senior to start over two other likely candidates, while Mel had Noyer switch to play defense (not a ringing endorsement). We’ll see who was right.  No turnovers would be a good start.  CU’s defensive line (the strength of the team) will also need to play well and keep the game tight, while Noyer and the offense gets their bearings for the first few quarters.

Season Preview

Don’t expect too much from the Buffs this season.  New coach, new QB, lack of practices and general lack of time for the players to buy into the program will hold this team back for the first half of the season.  One to two victories this season will be meeting expectations.  Everything else would be huge upside.  A win against UCLA tonight could fast forward all of that though.  Either way, come season end, CU better be feeling more like the King of Pop , rather than Jefferson Airplane

Go Buffs!


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