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"Who's got it better than us? Nobody!"

“(You) want to believe…but you don’t wanna be bamboozled.  You don’t wanna be led down the primrose path.  You don’t wanna be conned or duped, have the wool pulled over your eyes.  Hoodwinked.  You don’t wanna be taken for a ride, railroaded.  Seeing is believing.  Am I right?”

                                                                                                         Hobo, Polar Express

Buff Nation –

In 2019 seeing was believing.  While there was still no post-season berth, signs of a rebirth and return to dominance were springing up.  (Then) head coach Mel Tucker played a huge role in this.  He was the type of coach you could believe in (whoops) and the type of guy you could trust (yeah, about that).  Buff Nation responded to the momentum, leading the Pac-12 in game attendance.  All seemed on track, until it wasn’t.  In the (literal) middle of the night, Tucker struck a more favorable deal and departed for Lansing.  A guy who was “all in”, “committed” and “laser focused” wasn’t really. 

It’s hard to blame Tucker for leaving.  One can’t really fault a guy for taking a job that doubles his pay AND allows him to return to the place where he started his coaching career.  My issue with Tucker is how he gave his word to Buff Nation AFTER talking with Michigan State University (MSU), only to go back on his word a few hours later when MSU came back with more money.  Tucker’s about-(two)-face(d) caught everyone off guard and left a proud yet struggling Colorado football program in a near impossible situation.  The speed of departure, and relative lack of remorse, also lacked character. I found it interesting (revealing?) that in Tucker’s final 160-word statement, only 44 words (28%) were directed at CU.  The rest expressed his joy for the MSU opportunity.  I’m surprised he didn’t mention he was “all in” with MSU in the statement.  Too soon perhaps.

Yet, as my high-school coach used to say, “I don’t mind if you get blocked, just don’t stay blocked”, what matters most right now is for CU to move past this Tucker fiasco, find it’s next head coach, and continue the re-building process.  One name that has been circulating is Troy Calhoun, Head Coach of Air Force.  I like it.  Maybe not the sexiest hire, but Calhoun reminds me of a Tad Boyle, a man who can bring the necessary ethics, morals, loyalty and commitment (in words and actions) needed to stabilize and build a winning program. 

Let’s trust that seeing really is believing in 2020 and shoulder to shoulder the Buffs find themselves in the post-season. 

Go Buffs!


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